WTF?! Wheres the Funga?
Funga- The biodiversity of fungi within a particular place. “In life sciences funga is a recent term for the kingdom fungi similar to the longstanding fauna for animals and flora for plants. The term was considered to be urgently needed in order to simplify projects oriented toward implementation of educational and conservation goals.”
Find out more about the Funga movment here
Here we highlight some of our most beloved captures from deep time in wet, fecund funga-filled forests. Fungi are such a potent embodiment of eccentricness, queerness, diversity and exuberant expression! Their shapes make us smile and their patterns make us ponder.
I hope these photos instill inspiration and wonder in you as they do us!
Lactarius torminosus
Atheniella sp.
Cortinarius sp.
Lachnellula suecica
Pluteus fulvibadius
Chondrostereum purpureum
Verpa bohemica
Geopyxis sp.
Undescribed secotioid Psilocybe sp.
Undescribed secotioid Psilocybe sp.
Lachnum virgineum
Ascocoryne sp.
Unknown Ascomycete
Helvella acetabulum
Most likely Hohenbuhelia unguicularis
Laccaria laccata
Collybia cirrhata
Chromosera citrinopallidia
Tarzetta sp.
Mycena pura
Mycena acicula
Helvella corium
Cortinarius sect. Dermocybe
Boletus edulis
Sarcodon leucopus
Hebeloma crustuliniforme
Chloroscypha sp. with Mecaphesa spider
Chloroscypha sp.
Cortinarius sp.
Lachnellula sp.
Rickenella fibula
Gomphidius smithii
Peniophora rufa
Candolleomyces candolleanus
Leratiomyces percevalii
Hygrophoropsis sp.
Mitrula elegans
Mitrula elegans
Strolbilurus diminutivus
Morchella snyderi
Gautieria sp.
Hygrophorus chrysodon
Clavariadelphus truncatus
Calvatia sculpta
Cortinarius sp.
Cortinarius sp.
Undescribed Bolbitius sp.
Undescribed Bolbitius sp.