A Declaration of Interdependence


What is life?

The mind reaches for solution

Quite the loaded question

With no simple resolution

Sends me spinning into perpetual convolution

I refine my question to what defines life

and does our human-centric definitions confine life

like dams upon the boundless streams

Is life merely erected by the sum of the projections of the human collective?

or is it more….

it must be more…

So. much. more.

As a wise woman once said

the aliveness thrives within us

drawn from sources infinite well

Biotic, abiotic, animate or those who say not

There are complex layers of experience

held within each atom and each cell

And only time will tell if we can expand ourselves

to relinquish our limited definitions of cognition

to transcend the human condition

To see past the screen of the anthropocene

to include all of existence with no imaginary ceiling

So that we may not deem our highly complex feelings

as more of less than any other being

but eco-uivalent

We are nothing but mere contribution to the Holy Whole.

So may we hold all beings in the light of truly seeing

and receiving the truth that even the smallest of lives are steepen in meaning

That every breathing body has feelings and is capable of dreaming

May we use our greivings to feed the notion

that each planktonic form in the ocean

holds a sea of divinity

its own sacred story

no less or greater than the tale of you and me.

Wether tails or fins or wings or shins

We can create a way where all of life wins

Where the other is my brother and you are kin

despite the differing composure of our skins

And so it begins…

The shifting and lifting of our delusion

For inclusion is the only solution in this age of re-evolution

I rember

And I dream

Of a world where there is no ration of compassion

but weavings of unity and inter-species community

Is the dress we fashion

That we wear proudly

and use our voice to speak loudly

On behalf of the hard and the soft

the mobile and the still

the red and the green

the healthy and the ill

the simple and the complex

the behemoth and the small

the vocal and the silent

may we speak for them all!

Because life and its rights,

the inherent worthiness to thrive

is not just OUR call. It is inherent.

Source adorns all of its children

and all of creation

with the gift of timeless aliveness.

May we open our hearts

and extend our harnds

as we remember…

As we begin to see ourselves

and all of our relations

free from the illusion of separation

As we lean into the facilitation

of all beings liberation

and honoring

all of life’s divination

All is all is all is all

may we stay humble as we heed life’s great call.

Taylor Bright