Amongst The Trees


Amongst the trees

where I lay my armor down

my masks, too.

And where the tedious pains

of trying to do

and to be

fall away.


The trees,

they beckon me

to surrender

to their great refuge

in enchanted enclaves

of dappled sunlight 

amongst extended limbs

expanding in breath.




They invite me in

to rest my spine

against their solid body

and sink,

a little deeper,



so I may have a taste

of what it might be

to be rooted.


Symphony emanates

from every crevice,

families of the small

who creep and crawl

and those with wings

That walk on air,

all rejoicing!

Even the epiphytes 

seem to celebrate.

Spirit, come to life,

swift and easeful,

in the presence

of the trees. 


So selflessly

they stitch together

the fabric of sun and soil,

bridging worlds

of light 

and dark,


and unseen.



of holiness.


“How do you do it,

oh great ones?

We take so much,

and yet you continue to give


It must be heavy

supporting so much life 

like you do,

to have seen so much

and still be of such love.”


And they tell me,


branches undulating,

leaves pirouetting

as they dance 

with the suns song;


“Quiet now, 

silence is of the essence.

Listen closely

to the rhythm 

of your own heart drum

not so different than mine,


for you too

have come here

to breathe,

to go slow,

to give life,

to bridge worlds,

to be filled with light,

and to be a refuge.


So in your truth

you’re not so different

then me, you see?

Not so different

from the Spirit of the trees. ”

Taylor Bright