Following the scent of impermanence
the waking dream of the death cap
and the dull edge of the obsidian arrow head
carved on my grandmothers birthday
they are memories stored in my sweat
I can taste it…
hot and salty, like the ocean where I come from
a map through time
is writing itself in my minds eye
so we walk
one foot in front of the other
finding density in desolate caves
singing one song a thousand ways
as we nurse from Earths percolations
the rocks scream into a golden expanse
and black wings catch the currents
flesh, vanishing
nothing here is innocent
flesh, returning
the circle of life consumes me
memories stored in each empty milky oat pod
hissing in the wind
I hear symphonies through the pine needles
like hot medicine in my scabbed throat
vulnerability lays the foundation
of the safe shelter
cloaked in the ancient story
of impermanence