Lichen and stone
i am born of river stone
smoothed by deep time
the twists and turns and curves
the topography of my body
shaped by eons
of glacial carving
and mountainous snow melt
frigid, flowing water
wild, howling over my bones
this shape is not my own.
i am born of friction
of erosion
of sediment soaring
in the thalweg
to be deposited in between
the deltas of my vertebrae.
sometimes it feels
like the river, more than anything else
dreamed me alive.
born of lichen
symbiotic mergers
every idea of me,
a multiplicity
every breath - every cell
endosymbiotic fusion
amalgamations of permeable membranes
dancing through osmotic gradients.
what is blood
and what is ocean
but the sweet delicacy
that spills forth
from my vessel, warmed
by remembering its own
geothermal ancestry.
born of unbecoming
every sense of self
that’s anything close to the truth
is full of spores
is a composting pile of duff
is an unraveling
emeshed in the chaos
of microbial succession
of tectonic tension
and the rotting of wood.
deliquescing Coprinus
feels more like home
than a stained glass cathedral ever will.
my God, my body,
is the unfurling fiddlehead
the blankets of ascomycetes after fire,
the violent creation of abyssal hydrothermal vents
the lightning over the lake
the pine beetle decimating stands
the Armillaria fungus birthing a new expression of forest
the unruly riptide
the rotting carcass that feeds soil Arthropoda
and the clouds ~like sky gods~ refracting
painting the sky in rainbows.
so I let my self be born
over and over again
and die over and over again
~my humanness~
each time,
returning ever closer
to my origins
of stone and lichen