microbial mosaics

microbial mosaics

prokaryotic palettes

mineralized manifestations of deep time

ancient architecture

shaped by eons of geothermal upwellings

these extremophilic expressions

painting place with beauty beyond quantification

A story so textured

so complex

so microscopic yet vast

it renders me speechless

in a state of placid veneration

i can do nothing but gaze


at this calendra of creation

cradling colossal communities

of the smallest forms

thriving on the fringes

of what we think is habitable

as i witness

bewilderment boils in me like a tar pit

dense and viscous

as do lessons from the extremophiles

how they might show us what is possible

when it comes to radical adaptation

in a rapidly changing world

how finding oneself in extreme conditions

can lead to the most unique and stunning of expressions

that what is normal for some is bizarre to others

Everywhere is someone’s home

not an inch of this planet is void

will the entire earth look like this again one day?

i sit

my perception stretches so far beyond my humanness

that i think i forget to breathe

how long has it been?

how long have i been sitting here

witnessing how it all came to be?

no wonder people gather at these waters

from far reaches of the globe

to sit

to taste the primordial mist of sulphur and silica

to rest eyes upon the kaleidoscopic prism of life’s origins

to witness

how it all came to be

i could spend the rest of my life bowing

and it wouldn’t be enough

Taylor Bright