Old tree medicine
old tree medicine
calling me in
to placid silence
like that of heron
or newt
to sit with humble teachers
of Earth
and Flesh
and Bone
and Breath
I arrive
shedding, emptying
in preparation
to sit with master
to listen
with upmost fervency
to be filled
with stories of
how it all came to be
tales of life and death
decay and renewal
lessons from
years in the darkness
bound in ligneous prisms
reliant on collaboration
the world around them
creating home in their wake
oh how they’ve seen
so much change
our altruistic ancestors
reaching out
through dark, moist corners
lichen-laden niches
mossy crevices
of elder tree body
like sap,
like spell,
erupting forth from cambium
in chitinous prestige
coaxing heartwood
to release it’s tight bonds
in a slow return
back to soil
these ones
whom so graciously
cast their wisdom forth
our bodies & spirits
with droplets
and dropperfuls
dosing millions of years
of lived experience
as interface organisms
light and dark
and revealing
how to truly be
in reciprocity
the porous ones
the varnished ones
the fibrous ones
the maze gilled
the rosy fleshed
the cinnamon dusted
working together
helping to untether
the very fabric
of our grasping
so we may remember
the nature
of our belonging
and to breathe
without gasping