Splendors of the serpentine
splendors of the serpentine
wrapping me in a spell
of mottled, blue-green geologic veneration.
something… unspeakable
so I walk in silence
and let it be spoken by sargents cypress
whose roots crawl like nimble fingers
through the metamorphosed remains
of magnesium-rich peridotite,
coloring the landscape with shades of endemism.
these ultramafic, metallic ophiolites
harbor many secrets and many challenges,
yet life finds a way.
and time, with its eternal threads
and evolutionary warps and wefts
weaves a masterpiece yet again!
these serpentine veins slithering through the land,
while harsh to many,
make home for a cryptic cast of characters
with a kind of resilient beauty
that deserves more poetry
Scenes of the serpentine from Bohemia Ecological Preserve