The yucca flower blooms with such a radiant grace,
yet a fierceness, a boldness, a daring edge,
a haunting display of its ancient wisdom
and perpetual resilience.
And I must admit,
when I first saw you
blooming out there in those disturbed soils
I asked, habitually,
Who are you?
Wanting not to KNOW you you are,
but to rather, find a name to call you,
as if THAT would being me closer in intimacy
or reveal some deeper layer or your mystery,
ff your inherent beauty and complexity.
Thats the issue, I believe.
Or at least a part of a larger grievance.
Is that I wanted to name you
before I even got to know you.
The scientists fallacy of reductionism
not in the sense that knowing your name,
one fo your many names,
would take away from your beauty,
but not allowing the space
or the time
for a special, sacred meeting to exist
even for a moment,
in that liminal place beyond words,
that place
with no names
no categorization
no limitation
but the pure splendor
of knowing you are beyond a name
and seeing the entire universe
shine through you.